Sorin's Blog

Use your database to the fullest (part 2)

Last time we used an aggregation pipeline to update the time_to_respond when an request was assigned to someone.

We need to similarly compute the time_to_resolve which is the time from the issue was created until the time the issue was marked as resolved, minus the time while the issue was on hold.

Each time we update the log, we need to update the time_to_resolve and add the time between the last entry and the current one, except if the last entry was On Hold. For simplicity, we won’t show the update of the time_to_respond in this aggregation, but that will need to be added to the aggregation pipeline also, and we won’t show updating the log array since that was shown previously

db.requests.updateOne({"_id" : ObjectId("XXXX")},[{ 
    $set: {
            $cond: {
                if: { $ne: ["$status","On Hold"]},
                then: {
                    $round: {
                        $divide: [{
                            $subtract: [
                else: "$time_to_resolve"
        status: <new status>